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Science Fiction Stories

Displaying stories 11 through 20 of 254

11 The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne

Five Prisoners of war escape by hijacking a balloon and end up on an uncharted island where they find weird things
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Mystery, Travel, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 3037 | Votes: 42 | Score: 9.15
Size: 1085KB | 193,361 words | Posted:

12 The Reset Manifesto by Lazlo Zalezac

When, in the course of human events, a Government of a Nation has forgotten that it is founded and predicated upon the singular sentiment, We the People, it becomes necessary for Men and Women of good conscience to stand tall and remind those who govern on behalf, by forbearance, and at the will, of We the People; that the law of the land is specified in the Constitution of these United States.
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Near Future
Downloads: 10342 | Votes: 249 | Score: 9.14
Size: 984KB | 184,819 words | Posted:

13 Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne

Professor Von Hardwigg believes there are volcanic tubes going toward the center of the Earth. He, his nephew Axel, and their guide Hans encounter many adventures, including prehistoric animals and natural hazards, eventually coming to the surface again in southern Italy.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Travel, Science Fiction, Dinosaurs, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 1141 | Votes: 8 | Score: 9.12
Size: 403KB | 73,360 words | Posted: Concluded:

14 A Fighting Man of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

A Barsoom Story (7)
The tale of Tan Hadron of Hastor, a lowly, poor padwar (a low-ranking officer) who is in love with the beautiful, haughty Sanoma Tora, daughter of Tor Hatan, a minor but rich noble. As he is only a padwar, Sanoma spurns him. Then Sanoma Tora is kidnapped...
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Travel, Science Fiction, Aliens, Space, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 2361 | Votes: 50 | Score: 9.09
Size: 458KB | 86,807 words | Posted: Concluded:

15 The Weaver and the Wind by Sea-Life

A Worlds of Light Story (4)
The Worlds of Light take the next generation of McKessons through a magical turn.
Premier members only
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Fantasy
Tags: Coming of Age, Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Magic
Downloads: 14862 | Votes: 411 | Score: 9.09
Size: 908KB | 172,262 words | Posted: Concluded:

16 The Master Mind of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

A Barsoom Story (6)
On Mars, Paxton is taken in by elderly mad scientist Ras Thavas, the "Master Mind" of the title, who educates him in the ways of Barsoom and bestows on him the Martian name Vad Varo. Ras has perfected techniques of transplanting brains, which he uses to provide rich elderly Martians with youthful new bodies for a profit. Distrustful of his fellow Martians, he trains Paxton as his assistant to perform the same operation on him.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Aliens, Space, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 2149 | Votes: 44 | Score: 9.07
Size: 296KB | 55,616 words | Posted: Concluded:

17 Getting By by Shakes Peer2B

A story set in the Post Sickness world of Phoenicia
It has finally happened: Terrorists have unleashed an unstoppable virus upon the world. Only a very small percentage of humanity has survived. Gavin Thompson, unsatisfied with the prospect of just surviving makes plans to restore civilization as quickly as possible. This is his story. (This version is a bit longer and slightly modified from the version on SOL)
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Science Fiction, Post Apocalyptic, Near Future, Pandemic
Downloads: 30340 | Votes: 1216 | Score: 9.06
Size: 756KB | 143,190 words | Posted:

18 Synthetic Men of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

A Barsoom Story (9)
Synthetic Men introduces a completely new character as its protagonist: Vor Daj, a warrior from Helium and a member of John Carter's personal guard
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Action/Adventure
Tags: Travel, Science Fiction, Aliens, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 1791 | Votes: 29 | Score: 9.05
Size: 341KB | 65,129 words | Posted: Concluded:

19 Warlords of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

A Barsoom Story (3)
John Carter discovers that a First Born knows the secret of the Temple of the Sun and he and the Holy Hekkador Matai Shang want to rescue the Holy Thern's daughter, who is imprisoned with Dejah Thoris and another Barsoomian princess, Thuvia of Ptarth. John Carter follows them in the hope of liberating his beloved wife.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Violence, Science Fiction, Aliens, Space, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 3561 | Votes: 169 | Score: 9.03
Size: 303KB | 57,021 words | Posted: Concluded:

20 S.H.E.I.L.A by Pars001

A man is hunted for what he has created.
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Politics, Violence, Science, Secret Agents, Travel, Science Fiction, Futuristic, Nanotechnology, Near Future
Downloads: 10985 | Votes: 16 | Score: 8.96
Size: 431KB | 83,258 words | Posted: Concluded:
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