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Royalty Stories

Displaying stories 61 through 70 of 66

61 Origins by Short

Everything begins somewhere... A very short story about how things got started.
Premier members only
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Age Rating: Anybody
Tags: Humor, Drama, Science, Historical, Travel, Science Fiction, Apocalyptic, Post Apocalyptic, Time Travel, Aliens, Space, Alternate Universe, Alternate Timeline
Downloads: 2344 | Votes: 124 | Score: 6.24
Size: 2KB | 369 words | Posted:

62 Alternity - a Story in the Alternate Realities Universe by Rick910

A Story in the Alternate Realities Universe
A group of paranormal researchers get magically transported to an alternate reality (alternity).
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Fantasy
Tags: Science Fiction, Alternate Universe, Alternate Timeline, Supernatural, Fantasy, Knights, Royalty
Downloads: 1781 | Votes: 104 | Score: 6.06
Size: 21KB | 4,063 words | Posted:

63 Professor Jopp's Remarkable Feats by Scriptorius

A series of astounding experiments carried out by the redoubtable 'Sage of Trondheim', with caustic observations from his chief rival, the 'Swedish Savant'.
Premier members only
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Age Rating: Anybody
Tags: Humor, Science
Downloads: 1129 | Votes: 11 | Score: 5.62
Size: 58KB | 10,209 words | Posted: Concluded:

64 House of Samuelson by Celtic Bard

Xeuxondra Universe
In the history of Humanity on Xeuxondra, few have grown into the power and might that the House of Samuelson has and maintained that power. Beginning with a single man, Sigurd Samuelson, a warlord of both conquest and diplomacy, the House of Samuelson put down deep roots in the Hildesberg Mountains following the wars of expansion. In the next few centuries they would grow to dominate the Empire of the Zauberin. This is a history of that House. THIS IS NOT A STORY!
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Fantasy
Tags: Romance, Politics, War, Military, Assassins, Fantasy, Magic, Royalty
Downloads: 2859 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 270KB | 46,596 words | Posted:

65 The Son Extraordinaire by Mrinalini R

The coach of a local cricket team feels delighted to have at his disposal a prodigal talent. But, there are other reasons behind this strong attachment. However, in a span of a week, things turn sour
Premier members only
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Age Rating: Anybody
Tags: Coming of Age, Melodrama, School, Sports
Downloads: 1274 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 172KB | 31,781 words | Posted:

66 Dawn Uppon World by Nikus Janestus

A Resonant Distortion Story (2)
Somewhat prequel of "World Uppon Dawn", however, it's an extra story. In a part of the continent of Kheneldia, there was a boy dreaming of greatness, while looking for his ideals, he encounters the freakest knight there was to be. Together, they complement each other, and upon this, they form an new path impossible for them if they were alone, yet, there is no such thing as a clear path. Will they succumb to their regrets, or are they going to complete their ideals? There can only be one result.
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Fantasy
Tags: Romance, Puzzles, Politics, War, Military, Demons, Fantasy, Dragons, Witchcraft, Dwarves, Elves, Magic, Knights, Royalty
Downloads: 96 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 39KB | 7,541 words | Posted: in progress
* Not enough votes to show score yet