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Stories Starting with F

Displaying stories 11 through 20 of 62

11 The FBI in Peace and War by Jerome Norris

In the 1960s, FBI agents sometimes were called upon to help enforce the nation's civil rights laws. This was often thankless and unglamorous work, and wasn't generally as popular with the agents as -- say -- investigating bank robberies.
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Historical
Tags: Historical, Vignettes
Downloads: 760 | Votes: 74 | Score: 6.50
Size: 6KB | 1,174 words | Posted:

12 Feraway by JOHNNY SACHU

Desperate for a job, a small frieghter pilot takes on a passenger that is different beyond her wildest imaginings.
Premier members only
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Age Rating: Older than 17
Tags: Science Fiction
Downloads: 2402 | Votes: 203 | Score: 7.19
Size: 23KB | 4,552 words | Posted:

13 Fiddlers Green by UtIdArWa

A story in the The Regiment Universe
At the end of the Civil war, as with all wars, before and after, The men, and women, who fought the battles were, sometimes begrudgingly offered the thanks of a semi-grateful civilian population. That is if those men and women were on the winning side. This story is about the aftermath of the Civil war and the people, civilian and military, that were disgarded, thrown away, forgotten and ignored, Even today.
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Western
Tags: Drama, Melodrama, Western, War, Military, Mystery
Downloads: 7581 | Votes: 350 | Score: 7.96
Size: 175KB | 32,820 words | Posted:

14 A Fighting Man of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs

A Barsoom Story (7)
The tale of Tan Hadron of Hastor, a lowly, poor padwar (a low-ranking officer) who is in love with the beautiful, haughty Sanoma Tora, daughter of Tor Hatan, a minor but rich noble. As he is only a padwar, Sanoma spurns him. Then Sanoma Tora is kidnapped...
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Travel, Science Fiction, Aliens, Space, Novel-Classic
Downloads: 2361 | Votes: 50 | Score: 9.09
Size: 458KB | 86,807 words | Posted: Concluded:

15 Fighting Talk by normist

I like it!!! It all goes back to: "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." This makes the general populace helpless against criminals. I say we should REQUIRE gun/weapons training, beginning in Elementary school, with refreshers required as 'summer school' courses, every year. Then we ISSUE every person a gun at High School graduation! That would make for a VERY POLITE society. Might even curb political graft. TeNderLoin
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Age Rating: Older than 7 | Genre: Politics
Tags: Humor, Parable
Downloads: 2234 | Votes: 110 | Score: 7.01
Size: 2KB | 494 words | Posted:

16 Final Breath of a Dead God by Celtic Bard

An old man walks through a odd city with his grandson sent to keep an eye on him by his mother. The mother, daughter of a bard, married into the family of an Oligarch. As such, she hates when stories of her father entertaining in pubs filter to her in-laws. Pzerra is there to prevent that. His grandfather takes him to his favorite pub for lunch. A strange man walks in, causing the patrons to eye him hostilely. After he leaves, the boy asks the old man why they hate him so. Thus begins the story! / (Reviews)
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Age Rating: Anybody | Genre: Fantasy
Tags: Supernatural, Fantasy, Magic
Downloads: 2293 | Votes: 135 | Score: 7.72
Size: 31KB | 5,674 words | Posted:

17 Finders Keepers by Shakes Peer2B

Pudgy, out of shape, divorced, and laid-off; Colin thought he had hit rock-bottom. Then came the landslide that almost sent him to his grave. In the depths of despair, miles from nowhere, he searches for a way to get back to civilization and finds that his service is required in a totally unexpected role - as the person who will save the human race from destruction. / (Reviews)
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Age Rating: Anybody | Genre: Science Fiction
Tags: Aliens, Space, Nanotechnology, AI
Downloads: 42553 | Votes: 1755 | Score: 8.88
Size: 446KB | 80,245 words | Posted:

18 Finding Peace by Allan Kindred

Getting tired of waiting for death to come claim him, Tracer decides to go out into the world. Once there he gets caught up in a war and a prophecy. One way or the other he will find his peace.
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Age Rating: Older than 13 | Genre: Fantasy
Tags: Fantasy, Dragons, Magic
Downloads: 5129 | Votes: 90 | Score: 7.79
Size: 346KB | 66,308 words | Posted:

19 Finding Shelter by Jay Cantrell

Mike Cavenaugh is facing 40 with an ex-wife he can't stand and a teen-aged daughter he can't begin to understand. The lone bright spot in his life is his son. Then he meets Carrie Walton in one of the unlikeliest of places.
Premier members only
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Age Rating: Older than 17 | Genre: Romance
Tags: Romance, Crime, Drama
Downloads: 26364 | Votes: 982 | Score: 8.86
Size: 491KB | 95,019 words | Posted: Concluded:

20 Finding the Divine by Allan Kindred

This is a religious paper I wrote and posted here so I could send specific people here to read it. When I first came to the Catholic Church 8 years ago I could have never wrote this paper. Not for most to read and definitely to score.
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Age Rating: Anybody | Genre: General
Tags: Religion
Downloads: 114 | Votes: 6 | Score: 6.83
Size: 1KB | 202 words | Posted:
* Not enough votes to show score yet
